heal yourself,

heal your community

Spreading health, mental wellbeing, & peace for effective management, social transformation and sustainable development.


Harlem Brain is a social enterprise powered by IBREA Foundation, a nonprofit devoted to spreading health, mental well-being, and peace to individuals and communities around the world with the vision to heal Humanity and the Earth.

We are excited to offer our program, Brain Education, a set of holistic well-being and growth processes, to the Harlem community and the wider NYC community.

The program is based on the mind-body connection and applies techniques such as deep stretching, abdominal exercises, breath work, meditation, pineal gland activation, chakra balancing, body tapping, vibration, sound healing, affirmations and more.

It will help you improve:

  1. Your health and body strength

  2. Your emotional wellbeing and stress management

  3. Your focus, concentration and sense of purpose

It will also help you heal, awaken yourself, evolve.

The learning curve is steep! If you practice regularly, you will gain self-awareness, and insight and develop your capacity to manage your body, mind, and spirit effectively.

It’s for everyone.

all backgrounds, ages, interests, and conditions

The program is suitable for everyone. It is truly for anyone wishing to be healthier and happier, improve themselves, manage their life better, grow as a person, get stronger, evolve, develop their leadership, and help others and their environment do the same. The mind-body training techniques and movements are very effective. They are not strenuous or difficult. At the same time, they are deeply impactful. The instructors adapt the exercises and processes to your individual condition.

train your body,
Train Your Brain

Healing and growth happen from within. The very first step is to come home to your body. All your cells and atoms, muscles, organs, bones, blood, carry so much information from your life experiences, your genes, and your memories, and if we don’t learn to process and manage this information well, we’ll see problems in our physical or mental health. When we learn to tap into our bodies and are guided to process and manage what we see and feel, we can do deep healing in a matter of seconds. Your brain is the conductor of all this information. And your brain is connected to every cell and atom in your body. By focusing on your body and harnessing, circulating, and strengthening the energy in your body, your brain will get clearer and sharper and your mind and body will naturally get stronger. You will gain the power to change the habits you want to change. You will develop your focus, concentration, sense of purpose, self-management - all to help you create what you want in your life. It’s a process, and it requires diligence and commitment.

Brain Education is a comprehensive program that allows you to go through all the necessary steps you need in order to heal, transform, grow. and strengthen. Everything is connected by energy. So, by the sheer force of you doing your own internal work, you’ll see people around you heal and grow as well. And the force of collective healing and growth can solve the problems of our communities, Humanity and the Earth.

Finding True Self



Make peace with your past, understand yourself and the fundamental principles of life deeply. Reset your mind and energy to the present and start to create the future you want.

Youth mental wellbeing is at the heart of our work

We have worked with youth in Harlem since 2015 and have seen how our program can help tremendously their mental health and develop their leadership.

  • "Since taking Brain Education with Harlem Brain, I just always think positively. And when I don't, I have the awareness to see it and I'm able to change my attitude and mind to make it positive. This has created a huge change in my outcomes, it is a very empowering thing. I do the breathing and meditation techniques I learned often - to calm myself down and clear my mind."

    — KEVARDO, student at A. Philip Randolph High School

  • "Through the Brain Education program, I realized that my future is truly in my own hands, no matter what difficult situations I may have. I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and just do my very best in any situation. That was a small change in my brain but a huge and important turning point in my life"

    — HASANIA, student at A. Philip Randolph High School

  • “Brain Education has had a great impact on me over the years. It has helped me create a stable environment for myself that is manageable. In my everyday life, I use the exercises I've learned in order to balance or calm myself down, manage my emotions and to focus”

    — JAYDEN, student at A. Philip Randolph High SchooL

  • "Coming to this center was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for myself. I was seeking treatment for anxiety and stress reduction and I knew that I didn’t want to take the traditional route like medication or a therapist. The training that I received from the Harlem Brain center is so unique and transformative. It naturally helped me overcome anxiety, created a sense of belonging within myself, and showed me that I have control over my body and mind. I left every session feeling empowered and it gave me another reason to continue forward, even if it was difficult. Training with Isabel, the head master, has made such a huge impact on my life. I’m no longer afraid of life. I feel alive and excited for what’s to come."


  • "I’ve been a member at Harlem Brain for about 4 months now. I was intrigued by the center’s name as Brain knowledge and body connection has been something I’ve been interested in for a while. Becoming a member is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life. The level of sensitivity I feel is indescribable. I feel so much more connected to my body than I have ever felt. I can more easily tap into myself and notice where in my body I have a blockage or pain and apply the techniques learned in class to release and process my emotions. I feel very supported, seen and loved in the sessions and If you know anything about healing, feeling safe and trusting your trainer is key. In summary, I have stopped taking medication that I was taking for focus and stress and I know the benefits that I have had are accessible to anyone."


  • "Attending the classes and workshops in Harlem Brain really help me gain a higher prospective on my life. Through the trainings, guidance and genuinely lovable staff, I was able to heal. The space itself exudes positive energy that you can’t help but to feel at peace when you are there"

    — ANAIRS

  • I came into Harlem Brain thinking it was just going to be physical-like a yoga or pilates class. Although it has a physical aspect and my health, flexibility, and insomnia have improved so much since committing to this program (i attend 6 days/week whenever possible) I have also noted my mental, emotional, psychological health has been improved so much and i am noticing a clear “ripple effect” in impacting my relationships and people around me in such a positive way

    — JULIE

Start with an introductory session